E flat major scale fingerings
E flat major scale fingerings

e flat major scale fingerings

I suggest a routine that includes practicing all 12 scale patterns up and down (slowly at first). Updated on Wednesday, January 3rd, 2018 at 10:12am PST The B Flat Major Scale is a good one to know, especially if you are playing with brass players (trumpet, trombone, baritone, tuba, etc.), in a wind band, or in a jazz band.Updated on Tuesday, May 23rd, 2023 at 9:48am PST Remember that in both hands, the thumb is finger number 1, and the pointer fingers are finger number 2. With the Right Hand, going up, the thumb always plays after the black note too – but it plays a full whole step higher. Once you’ve created that muscle memory, going up and down should be easier. That way, you can remember that the thumb always plays a half step lower than the black note. In the Left hand, it’s easier to start practicing starting from the top and going down. Some tips to help you with the notes and fingerings: The pattern of notes is: 1 black note, 2 white notes, 1 black note, 3 white notes, and 1 black note.

e flat major scale fingerings

The fingering for the B flat Major Scales are: The Major Scale Pattern is W-W-H-W-W-W-H. To find your third note, go up another whole step. You can also use the Major Scale pattern to help you find the notes: Starting from the first note, go up a whole step to find your second note. The notes for the E Flat Major Scale are B flat- C – D – E flat – F – G – A – B flat Even so, we say there are 2 flats in the E flat Major Scale. The B flat Major Scale has 2 black notes in it (Bflat and Eflat), but because the first and the last notes are both B flat, it feels like you’re playing 3 black notes. In this lesson you will discover how to play the B Flat Major Scale: (Right & Left Hand)

E flat major scale fingerings